"s" or "es" 结尾,一般名词没疑问。"y"变"i",再加"es",辅音字母前。
英语中,大部分名词变复数比较简单,通常只需要在单词后面添加 "s" 或 "es"。然而,有一些名词的复数形式是特殊的,不按照这个规则变化。
man -> men (男人 -> 男人们)
woman -> women (女人 -> 女人们)
child -> children (孩子 -> 孩子们)
tooth -> teeth (牙齿 -> 牙齿们)
foot -> feet (脚 -> 脚们)
mouse -> mice (老鼠 -> 老鼠们)
goose -> geese (鹅 -> 鹅们)
louse -> lice (虱子 -> 虱子们)
ox -> oxen (公牛 -> 公牛们)
calf -> calves (小牛 -> 小牛们)
leaf -> leaves (叶子 -> 叶子们)
half -> halves (一半 -> 两半)
knife -> knives (刀 -> 刀子们)
life -> lives (生命 -> 生命们)
thief -> thieves (小偷 -> 小偷们)
wolf -> wolves (狼 -> 狼群)
wife -> wives (妻子 -> 妻子们)
leaf -> leaves
knife -> knives
life -> lives
但是这个规则并非总是适用,例如 "roofs" 和 "chiefs"。
cactus -> cacti
nucleus -> nuclei
crisis -> crises
appendix -> appendices
index -> indices 或 indexes
sheep -> sheep
fish -> fish
species -> species
deer -> deer
mother-in-law -> mothers-in-law
passer-by -> passers-by
如果名词以/s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/等无声或有声的摩擦音或者爆破音(也就是“s”, "z", "sh", "zh", "ch", "j"的发音)结尾,那么其复数形式的结尾发音为/ɪz/。例如,"buses" /ˈbʌsɪz/,"watches" /ˈwɒtʃɪz/。
如果名词以无声的其他辅音结尾(除了/s/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/的发音外),那么其复数形式的结尾发音为/s/。例如,"cats" /kæts/。
如果名词以元音或者有声的其他辅音结尾(除了/z/, /ʒ/, /dʒ/的发音外),那么其复数形式的结尾发音为/z/。例如,"dogs" /dɒɡz/,"boys" /bɔɪz/。
将以下的单词转换成复数形式:man, tooth, ox, calf, knife。
选出以下单词的正确复数形式:woman (a) womans (b) women.
将以下的单词转换成复数形式:mouse, goose, louse.
选出以下单词的正确复数形式:leaf (a) leafs (b) leaves.
将以下的单词转换成复数形式:foot, life, wolf.
What is the plural form of "fox"? (狐狸的复数形式是什么?)
a) foxes
b) foxs
c) fex
What is the correct plural form of "child"? (孩子的正确复数形式是什么?)
a) childs
b) children
c) childer
The plural of "mouse" is: ("mouse"的复数形式是:)
a) mouses
b) mice
c) meese
What is the correct plural form of "tooth"? ("tooth"的正确复数形式是什么?)
a) gooses
b) geeses
c) geese
The plural of "sheep" is: ("sheep"的复数形式是:)
a) cactuss
b) cactuses
c) cacti
The plural of "woman" is:
a) womans
b) women
c) wemen
What is the correct plural form of "tooth"?
a) tooths
b) teeth
c) toother
The plural of "sheep" is:
a) sheeps
b) sheep
c) sheeple
The correct plural of "crisis" is:
a) crisises
b) crisis
c) crises
What is the correct plural form of "radius"?
a) radiuses
b) radii
c) radie